Rebecca Smith A.S.K C.M.H. C.Hyp P.N.L.P
Systematic Kinesiologist, Hypnotherapist, Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming
7, Barclays Bank Chambers, High Street, Newport, Shropshire. TF10 7AU
Phone: 01952 813348 Mobile: 07976 819938 Web: www.newportcomplementaryhealthclinic.co.uk
A couple of weeks ago, as I stood in the queue in a large Supermarket, I heard the cashier talking to her customers. Nothing unusual there, except that as a Complementary Health practitioner, I was horrified what she was actually saying… She was a diabetic and was informing her diabetic customer, that after ‘all these years’ she had realised it’s not what you eat as a diabetic, it’s how much. She eats what she fancies.
Now, I couldn’t help notice that her strategy clearly wasn’t working as she also stated that she had an underactive thyroid (this can be linked to blood sugar imbalances) and she struggled to stand up. She was at least five or six stone overweight and could barely walk. She looked 80; I suspect she was actually closer to 60, if that!!
My concern? First, that she was so confident in her diabetic management strategy when recalling it to other diabetics; and, second, I realised as a nation, we are still SO mis- informed on the condition of diabetes. Statistics say more than 230 million people worldwide currently have diabetes and according to the World Health Organisation that number will increase to 333 million by year 2025. Something clearly has to change.
Current advice is outdated. Food and health authorities and the diabetes charities still recommend eating plenty of starch and cut down on fat - nothing different to the guidelines given to the general public. It seems authorities don’t want the diabetic patient to feel that they have to miss out or eat differently to other people. But, the harsh facts are that they DO need to eat differently. And the lady in question is completely incorrect, by the way. It is necessary to completely avoid certain foods if diabetes is present and watch portion sizes too, amongst other things.
Many diabetics I see in clinic are understandably confused and for now, we need to look at different theories with an open mind. There is up-to-date research out there that stands by the principles that Complementary practitioners like me currently recommend to clients. Even our knowledge has been challenged in the last few years by very encouraging scientific research. In order to remain ahead of the game, our advice has to constantly evolve in light of these new findings.
Much of my work with diabetic patients is to educate, motivate and inspire them to make dietary and lifestyle changes that fit with current research and thinking. Reorganisation of meals, regular exercise, stress management and relaxation programmes are some of the key areas on which I focus. It sounds simple, but in my experience, clients need regular help and support to make the changes necessary.
There is no ‘one size fits all’ plan in my practice. We treat everyone as an individual. All we ask is for you to be open minded, enthusiastic and ready for change. We can help you achieve the rest.
Don’t you want better blood sugar control? To reduce your risk of disease? Do you want to live a long healthy life? This way then please…
Rebecca Smith, Newport Complementary Health Clinic