Female Hormones Part 3
Rebecca Smith A.S.K C.M.H. C.Hyp P.N.L.P
Systematic Kinesiologist, Hypnotherapist, Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming
7, Barclays Bank Chambers, High Street, Newport, Shropshire. TF10 7AU
Phone: 01952 813348 Mobile: 07976 819938 Web: www.newportcomplementaryhealthclinic.co.uk
Female Hormones Part 3
Continuing the female hormone series, Part 3 covers the menopause, polycystic ovary syndrome, fibroids, endometriosis and menstrual migraines. As discussed in previous parts of this series, basic diet and lifestyle changes are beneficial, but will not be listed again here.
The Menopause
Typically, a woman’s ovaries stop releasing eggs in her early 50’s and her menstrual cycle ceases. Though not a disease, the menopause can come with unpleasant symptoms. For 5 to 10 years after her last period, she could experience hot flushes, night sweats, insomnia, reduced sexual drive, mood swings etc and the increased risk of heart disease and osteoporosis.
It is a natural process for the ovaries to cease production of the hormone oestrogen at this time and much can be done to aid the female body through the changes.
Specific herbs, have been found to mimic oestrogen, and some nutritional supplement companies combine them, offering highly valued nutrients. It is also important to think of the adrenal glands, stress = a big impact on the hormones. It is important to use nutrition to aid the body through difficult circumstances.
Phyto-estrogens are plant products found in flax seeds, chick peas, soya beans, lentils, nuts and seeds and may be of use.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
Defined by an accumulation of follicles in the ovaries, appearing in clumps, causing hormonal imbalance leading to other symptoms, including no or irregular periods, acne, excess hair growth, infertility, PMS like symptoms and overweight. Among the issues here are, low progesterone and the ovaries producing too much “male” hormone of testosterone.
Although distressing for many women, PCOS can be improved with a natural approach. Weight loss, balancing blood sugar and regular exercise are all indicated, as are supporting the liver and stress management.
Fibroids are non-cancerous growths on or in the muscular wall of the womb, usually causing heavy, painful periods with constant bleeding and can lead to infertility.
Although reasonably common, the exact cause is not known. Fibroids are sensitive to oestrogen, so points to the idea that an excess may trigger growth in the first place. Weight loss if indicated, reducing internal and external oestrogens and female glandular support can all been considerations. As mentioned in other articles, nutritional supplements could help oestrogen breakdown and cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and kale should be eaten regularly.
The lining of the womb (endometrium) implants and grows outside the womb itself, which can cause extremely painful, heavy, irregular periods, infertility, painful intercourse and bowel problems. Oestrogen dominance is the most common hormonal picture with high progesterone. Similar consideration should be given to the supplements above (fibroids). Regular exercise could also be a recommendation.
Menstrual Migraines
Some women experience headaches or migraines linked to their menstrual cycle.
The liver is responsible for a 2 phase detoxification process and if not well supported can cause cyclical headaches. Removing stresses on the liver such as tea, coffee, alcohol, chemicals and junk food could be recommended along with combination liver supplements.
A magnesium deficiency can cause blood vessels to go into spasm, causing pain. At the clinic, I may use a powdered magnesium support that is fast acting and does not cause the gastro- intestinal disturbance, often associated with high dose magnesium supplements.
I must remind all readers that some herbs can have interactions with some medication, so always seek professional advice.
The information contained in this article is intended for information purposes only. It is not intended to replace the advice of a medical practitioner, nor is it intended to offer the reader advice on the condition or the symptoms mentioned. Always seek the advice of a medical practitioner before embarking on any new health regime.
Rebecca Smith, Newport Complementary Health Clinic.